Save These Dates for Metaphysical Explorations

Lauren Hoover-West, the “Animal Whisperer”

Barbara Barr Bengen

Annual Potluck and General Meeting

Mark your calendar and grab your favorite soup bowl for our annual potluck and general meeting on Wednesday, March 13, at 6 p.m. at the Activity Center. Members of the board are making three kinds of homemade soups for your dining pleasure. Members and guests with last names from A-M will bring heavy hors d’oeuvres or protein-based snacks. Members and guests with last names from N-Z will bring desserts. We have some great cooks, so get ready to blow your diet!

During the potluck, members and guests will have an opportunity to meet the newly elected officers and board of directors. You’ll learn about upcoming programs and plans for the year. You’ll also have an opportunity to share your ideas and program requests. You won’t want to miss out on some great food and warm fellowship.

What Your Pet Is Trying to Tell You, by Lauren Hoover-West and Barbara Barr Bengen

On Wednesday, April 10, at 6 p.m. in the Activity Center, Lauren Hoover-West will share the joy of deeper communication with your pets and animal friends. Animals deserve to be heard, understood, and lovingly supported! Lauren teaches tools to use in for yourself and your pet on a daily basis. This results in more peace and harmony for both of you and your home.

Have you felt frustrated or overwhelmed or confused with your animals? Pets and animals experience all the things humans do: stress, trauma, illness, anxiety, fear, sadness, confusion, love, joy, peace! It’s essential that we humans understand what they need. With Lauren’s training, we can learn more clarity and how to get better results in what we want and are asking from our pets.

Lauren Hoover-West’s education and training includes:

• Psychology degree

• Holistic nutrition and life coach

• Trauma training

• Yoga and meditation teacher

• Homeopathy in training

• Body balance for animals

• Energy healing

• Animal communication

Save the date of Wednesday, April 10, to learn more from Lauren Hoover-West!

SaddleBrooke’s Metaphysical Explorations meets the second Wednesday of each month at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center. The building is located at 64518 E. Galveston Lane. Parking is limited, and you are encouraged to park at the bocce ball court by the SaddleBrooke One Craft Center and take the convenient ramp down to the Activity Center.

RSVP for these events at our website We want to make sure we have handouts and chairs for all the participants. Events are free for members, and donations from guests are appreciated. For more information about Metaphysical Explorations, visit our website

We look forward to seeing you at the potluck on Wednesday, March 13, at 6 p.m. at the Activity Center! And remember to save the date of April 10!