SaddleBrooke’s Windy City Club holds president’s event

The Windy City Club held its fifth consecutive annual social event celebrating our past U.S. presidents on Sunday, February 17, 2019. The event was held again at SaddleBrooke One with an excellent dinner served up by the exceptional RoadRunner staff. Our Windy City members and guests filled the Grill, for a great event filled with lots of laughs, conversations, games, food and fun.

And, as with last year’s event, dinner was followed up by games and prizes. This year the event games included Presidential Trivia, Bingo, and new for this year Bozo Buckets. Our first ever Bozo Buckets players, Warren Wiwat and Kathy Minx were selected from our SaddleBrooke Bozo Drum, and while they both tried extremely hard, neither made it all the way to bucket No. 6 (the game is not as easy as it looks). Maybe next year’s game will include guessing how many silver dollars there are in bucket No. 6!

Many thanks go out to all who attended the event, won prizes (from novelty gifts to bottles of wine) and were key to all of us having a great time – Chicago style!

In addition, there were many that volunteered and worked hard up to the last minute to pull off another great event this year. Specifically, Chairperson, Maureen Van Dorn; Social Director, Barb Wiwat; Bingo leader, Pat Gabric; 50/50 host, Toni Coffey and photographer, Dan Sielicki. Special thanks to these folks and others that were key to making this event a success.

Note that plans are already set for the April 11 “Say Goodbye to the Snowbirds” Event, which will be held in the east room at SaddleBrooke TWO’s MountainView Bistro. More details will be provided to current members via GroupWorks, so members are asked to keep an eye on their email accounts as more details will be coming out soon.

Also, we are pleased to welcome two new members to the Windy City Club Board. Those being, Margie Schulte, who is filling the club’s Membership/GroupWorks Chair position and Cathe Kropp, who is filling the club’s Treasurer position. Many thanks to these two ladies for volunteering for these important club positions.

Not yet a member, interested in other future Windy City events or currently a member and interested in getting involved in planning future club events, then contact any of the club board members at the following emails for more information:,,

Windy City Club party closers from this year’s president’s event.