SaddleBrooke Winds and Strings Winter Concert

SaddleBrooke Winds and Strings rehearses for the September concert. (Photo by Dawn A. Walker)

Dawn A. Walker

We hope you enjoyed our special September program premiering a piece written in honor of our 100-year-old trumpet player John Reitz who also played a solo in the concert!

Merriment and antics will ensue as we play a variety of music you may or may not expect during the holiday season. This will prove to be a true variety show with something for everyone. Some musical selections will include “Theme from Schindler’s List,” selections from Into the Woods, “Palladio,” “Fantasia on Greensleeves,” “The Cave You Fear,” and much more! Don’t miss it! The date is Dec. 21 at 6 p.m. at the DesertView Performing Arts Center.