Raymond H. Goettsch
At the Sept. 10 work session, the SaddleBrooke Homeowners Association Two (SaddleBrooke TWO) considered the request by the SaddleBrooke Pickleball Association (SPA) that SaddleBrooke TWO adopt the pickleball program as a funded amenity and contribute $280,000 to the long-planned expansion of eight new courts at the Ridgeview location. After more than an hour of presentation, discussion, and questions from homeowners, the SaddleBrooke TWO board unanimously granted the request.
At the meeting, which was open to all homeowners, SPA announced that Pinal County had just issued the building permit for construction on Sept. 9. It presented the current construction estimate for eight new courts and a ramada with men’s and women’s bathrooms at $1.34 million, $200,000 more than the original estimate. SPA explained that it has $700,000 in cash to contribute to the cost and would assume $360,000 in debt, but it wanted the SaddleBrooke TWO board to commit $280,000 to the estimated cost. SPA also noted, with its current membership of 650, the number of players per court is 40, based upon the use of temporary courts in The Preserve and at SaddleBrooke Ranch. It added that with 14 courts, including the eight new courts, the player/court ratio would be 46 players per court, due to the loss of the temporary courts. SPA noted the tennis player ratio per tennis court is 24 players per court. It also observed that 10% of the homes in SaddleBrooke TWO have a pickleball playing homeowner, and the cost of maintaining the court would average $4 per household. Finally, SPA explained that future dues and one-time construction payments by new members would be used to pay off the construction debt.
The SaddleBrooke TWO board’s assistant treasurer reviewed the due diligence the board itself had performed. She reported the investigation revealed that maintenance for 14 pickleball courts would be an estimated $15,000 to $20,000 per year, with a potential increase to $25,000 in the future. She noted that, by comparison, maintenance for the tennis courts is estimated at $74,000 annually. She added that reserves for wind screens, color coat surfaces, and fences for the 14 courts were estimated at $8,700 annually. Finally, she explained that the contribution of $280,000 from the capital improvement fund, as well as committed payments to other projects, would leave the fund with a net balance of approximately $1 million at year’s end.
By unanimously passing a resolution adopting SPA’s request to become a funded amenity and receive a contribution for expansion, the SaddleBrooke TWO board indicated it would become a party to the construction contract. Any change orders during construction would be subject to board approval, and the order of payment would be SPA’s $700,000 in cash first, SPA’s loaned money of $360,000 next, and SaddleBrooke TWO’s contribution of $280,000 last. The board also stated that pickleball, as a funded amenity, would be subject to the recently approved Reciprocal Use Agreement with SaddleBrooke Homeowners Association One.