STC’s Glen George
Jay Clayton Wilson
Tennis at SaddleBrooke is about more than the game. It is all about the camaraderie among players. Such friendship is evidenced at the numerous SaddleBrooke Tennis Club events where we enjoy good food, on the courts where we share compatible competition, at the parties where volunteers create a joyous atmosphere and in our leadership where the well-being of the club is the primary concern of dedicated members who work in harmony with each other for the good of all.
Glen George joined the STC Board and brought with him all of the leadership qualities that make the STC a premier tennis club. His personal mission on the board is to continue to improve communications, provide social events and grow membership. His focus involved joining a highly successful board with a continued interest in supporting our members. He says, “Bottom line for me, continue to offer a good environment for members to play the game they love.”
Glen and Mary Jo, his wife who is also an accomplished player as well as a social leader, gave up their second home in the California mountains to make our community their full-time residence. And, of course, to play tennis with a great group of people on our 21 lighted courts.
Glen says it best, “The SaddleBrooke Tennis Club provided a great opportunity to meet other tennis players. The Organized Play program enabled me to establish lasting friendships while playing a game I loved. I participated in the many club activities and events. I played gender team tennis, twilight mixed team tennis, gender and mixed USTA, STC Championship both gender and mixed doubles and the new scramble tennis. I usually play tennis three times a week; on occasion four times. I wanted to give back to the club by volunteering to help in several social functions.” And give back he does. He spent time on various committees to improve the process and playing levels for the club. He got involved in the STC Championship tournament by creating the draw sheets, schedules and results for that annual event while working with the STC Championship committee and tournament directors. Now that’s dedication to the game Glen loves.
Note that Glen, who is one of the better players in the club, did not take up the game until his mid-thirties. From that point on he tirelessly worked with his local tennis groups in California, played interclub events, played destination tennis, played USTA for eight years and captained his team for much of that time.
Tennis is in Glen’s blood. That’s why he devotes so much personal time to making the STC an even better place to play. That’s his goal. So it’s great to have you on the Board, Glen. You are among your kind.
Remember to check out the STC Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/saddlebrooketennisclub