Mary Klootwyk
Twenty-six SaddleBrooke Square Dance Club members traveled to Sierra Vista, Ariz., for the 10th Annual Hummingbird Hoedown Square Dance Festival held on Jan. 10 and 11. Another 150 dancers, from teenagers to dancers in their late 80s, attended this festival. Jet Roberts from Alabama and Tony Oxendine from North Carolina were the featured callers for the dance. Jet and Tony are two of the most popular and sought-after callers in the world. Both started calling in the very early 1970s and are known for their fabulous singing voices and interesting and fun choreography. The mood for the weekend was upbeat, festive, and friendly.
Square dancing is a part of American culture and history that has stood the test of time and continued to be very popular as a favorite pastime for individuals in every region of the United States. Just like other forms of dance, square dancing offers a lot of physical, mental, and health benefits, but what separates square dancing is that it is a very inclusive and community-oriented dance. The basic movements of square dancing are also simple enough to learn, regardless of age, gender, or shape. Learning the square dance steps is a great way to learn the fun style of square dance moves and, at the same time, get the benefits of square dancing.
With square dancing, your blood is pumping, your body and limbs are moving, and your lungs get air pushed throughout your body. Square dancing regularly can also lead to slower heart rate, lower blood pressure, and improved cholesterol profile. Dancing strengthens weight-bearing bones and may help prevent or slow down loss of bone mass (osteoporosis). Calories: Dancing burns between 200 and 400 calories every 30 minutes of dancing.
Square dancing will also keep your mind active. Listening to “calls” improves alertness and sharpens the mind of the dancer. These help the body and brain to be tightly coordinated. The different square dance steps also require the dancer to use both sides of their brain in what is called a “cross-lateral movement,” which are the movements that cross from one side of your body to the other. These movements are great exercise for your brain, memory, and coordination, which are important as we grow older.
Square dancing is one of the best and most fun ways to get your steps in!
Check out our website at for more information.
Live Lively—Square Dance!