SaddleBrooke Squares Graduates 12 Dancers

Mary Klootwyk

Graduating from a square dance class is a very special occasion for a new dancer and the signifies successful completion of a series of square dance lessons that are necessary before entering the activity as a qualified square dancer. It is an achievement; it is a reward; it represents a degree of accomplishment, but it does not represent the end of an activity. It means the beginning of fun and friendships as he or she now embarks on the social and fun adventure that is square dancing.

On Sunday, June 18, 12 dancers were presented with a SaddleBrooke Squares name badge as a symbol of their completion of the Mainstream and Plus Square Dance lessons. The graduation ceremony was led by Rick Beeble, president of SaddleBrooke Squares, and Kim Denny, assistant lesson coordinator, who congratulated each one individually and welcomed them as new members of the SaddleBrooke Squares Dance Club.

These new dancers came through the learning period like real troopers, giving their smiles and laughter and friendliness to those who had the pleasure of dancing and working with them. They discovered that there are many important considerations other than simply learning the steps. Each one learned to be patient and tolerant and developed the ability to react automatically to the calls. They learned the importance of a sense of humor while discovering when to whoop and holler and when to be respectfully quiet so that others may listen and learn. This group came to realize that a prime accomplishment of this class was the development of an attitude that makes each one a desirable member of the square.

With the completion of these lessons, they are now able to attend any club dances locally and nationally!

Live Lively—Square Dance!

For more information and to find out how you can join in this wonderful activity, visit