SaddleBrooke Squares celebrates 25 years

Founder and caller Larry Kraber and his bride Bonnie.

Past and present members of SaddleBrooke’s Square Dance Club are cordially invited to an anniversary party on January 26 at the Vistas Dining Room of SaddleBrooke One. This event celebrates the club’s birthday but more importantly, honors our founder and caller Larry Kraber and his bride Bonnie! After 25 wonderful years, Larry is retiring from full time calling. The good news is that he’ll be making guest appearances frequently; in fact, he has joyfully agreed to call a 25th anniversary dance on Thursday, January 24, so please spread the word to our local square dance community.

There will be no dancing, just dinner and reminiscing. Seating is limited and reservations must be complete prior to the new year; it should be a fantastic night! For ticket information please visit or email Jack Stebe at

For something to last 25 years, it has to be fun. Luckily for you, an introduction to square dancing will be held at 7:00 p.m. on January 13 at the MountainView Ballroom. Prior to that, interested parties are invited to join the club for a chili and ice cream (not in the same dish) social at the HOA Activity Center on January 7. For more information or to RSVP, please contact JP and Cindy Blount at or or visit our website