SaddleBrooke Singers’ Rehearsals Begin! Come Join Us!

Cheri Emahiser

We are always looking for new singers, and we invite you to join us on any Sunday in September. We rehearse at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center. Come by a bit before 2:30 p.m. and meet the Singers.

Singing—why do we enjoy it so much? What about singing lifts our spirits? Don’t we all love to sing along with the car radio, the stereo, or in the shower? It’s simple. We enjoy making music without having to be able to play a musical instrument. In fact, we’re our own self-contained musical instrument!

Be onstage with us!

Can you imagine making music on the DVPAC stage with the SaddleBrooke Singers? It is a wonderful experience. Our December concert will take place there on the afternoon of Sunday, Dec. 8.

Envision singing in time and harmony with your choral members as you follow the accompaniment and the director’s gestures as she shapes the music. You could be one of the voices contributing to the whole group, helping to make the music come together. As a member of the Singers, you could feel a double benefit—not only the individual rush that comes from singing, but you will surely experience a great emotional uplift from singing with others.

Singing is very good for you!

“He who sings frightens away his ills,” said Cervantes. There is nothing like singing for generating that “feel good” factor. “It’s almost indescribable,” says singer and singing coach Helen Astrid. “It’s an incredible endorphin rush.”

Call with your questions!

If you like to sing, we want you to sing with us! No auditions are required, though the ability to read music will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, call Claudia Kistler at 520-306-2113 and check out our website at

Our Sunday rehearsals are from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center at 64518 E. Galveston Lane. Come on over. We’ll find you a chair and give you some music. The music is new to all of us. We’ll learn it together. We have tremendous fun at our rehearsals, and we think you will, too.