Tom and Pam, ready to dance.
Jane Gromelski
We have had so much fun this year with our 50s and 60s Sock Hops, but we want to raise the level even higher for the last event of the spring season in the MountainView Ballroom. Therefore, we are celebrating our life in SaddleBrooke with a Senior Prom for Seniors on April 28! Oh, Yeah! A Prom for us, without any of the teenage angst. We will attend with the same sweetheart we have had for__? years. No worrying will he or won’t he ask me to the Prom?
There will be a buffet with Pork Milanese, roast turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, tossed salad, and one more veggie, carrot cake! Yum. If you have dietary restrictions, make arrangements when you get your tickets. Doors and the cash bar will open at 5:00 p.m., the buffet will be served at 5:30 p.m. and 3 Jacks and a Julie will play from 6:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. Even the band is excited about playing for our Prom! They are adding special songs for the Prom.
Every dance is better with a live band, especially a live band as exciting as 3 Jacks and a Julie. They will play many of our favorite songs from the 50s and 60s, the Everly Brothers, Elvis, the Beach Boys and Patsy Cline to name a few. The band is so talented, but their music speaks for them and I won’t rave here. When they play Unchained Melody there isn’t a woman listening who doesn’t want to be on the dance floor in her partner’s arms swaying to the music. It happens at every dance; it is the one song guaranteed to have everyone out on the dance floor. At the last Sock Hop a dancer was heading out the door but as soon as Unchained Melody started—the dancer made a U-turn and went back to get his partner!
Ladies, we can dress as elegantly as we like and our escorts can dress—well, you decide. If you didn’t bring a prom dress, don’t worry, this is SaddleBrooke; Tucson casual also works. Don’t let anything keep you from coming and having fun. Return to the days of our youth and the songs we danced to; let’s have fun at a Senior Prom. Tickets are $36 per person, on sale now at the MountainView Office. Ticket sales will close on April 19; don’t wait too long to get yours.
I hope we see you there.