Honor Guard at the veterans lunch

SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club President Doug Sweetland joins Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke Club President Joe Dylewski to introduce speakers.
Two Wars—Two Clubs—One Veterans Day Celebration
On November 12 the SaddleBrooke Rotary Clubs celebrated their fourth annual Veterans Day Gala at SaddleBrooke One Vistas Dining Room. A big thanks to Emerson Knowles for his hard work arranging this historic appreciation lunch and presentation. Both the SaddleBrooke Rotary Club and the SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club joined together to host the event. Close to ninety guests made up of Rotary members, veterans from both WWII and the Korean Wars were in attendance.
Shervic Prouse from Team RWB (Red White and Blue) and 22-year Navy Officer, spoke about her Grandfather who fought in WWII alongside U.S. Troops. This remarkable man was part of the underground that hid soldiers that fought to liberate The Philippines. Shervic was overcome with emotion thanking the veterans that honored us with their presence at our lunch. She was in tears when she showed appreciation to them for keeping her family safe. In fact, Shervic’s daughter enlisted in the armed forces the week of Veterans Day.
Let us never forget the men and women who fought to keep us liberated and safe.