SaddleBrooke Public Affairs Commission Announces Its “Vision 2020”

Jo Ann Ellison

The SaddleBrooke Public Affairs Commission was created by the SaddleBrooke One Board of Directors and is charged with establishing relationships with community and government leaders in surrounding areas. Its mission is to identify risks and opportunities and communicate what it finds in a timely manner. Simply put, the commission’s mantra is “no surprises.” The commission is comprised of members from both SaddleBrooke One and SaddleBrooke TWO.

Each year, the Public Affairs Commission identifies areas of interest that it would like to explore. Last year the Commission had a busy agenda, meeting with representatives of Pinal County Sheriff’s Office, council members from the Town of Oro Valley, planners and administrators of the Town of Marana, and representatives from Golder Ranch Fire District. The commission also did a “deep dive” into the state of the internet in SaddleBrooke, holding public meetings with representatives from Orbitel and CenturyLink. They also began a long term project of exploring the community’s water infrastructure with a lecture on “water basics” by member Bruce Hale, who worked for the Denver Water Department for 33 years.

Vision 2020 includes meeting with representatives of Pinal County, Oro Valley, Marana, Town of Oracle, Pinal County Sheriff’s Office, Golder Ranch Fire District, and local public education institutions to get updates on their plans.

Upcoming public meetings (residents welcome):

Feb. 12th at 3 p.m. in the Coyote North Room at SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse. Oracle School Board members Linda Lyon and Jeff McClure will talk about OSB’s plans for 2020 and beyond.

March 11th at 3 p.m. in the Coyote North Room at SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse. Oro Valley Council members Rhonda Pina and Bill Rodman.

Residents are welcome to attend. Space is limited so please RSVP to

The SaddleBrooke Public Affairs Commission is seeking additional members. Residents of SaddleBrooke One or SaddleBrooke TWO curious about what is happening in and around SaddleBrooke and possess  good writing and/or computer skills, please contact Chair, Jo Ann Ellison, at