Dick Kroese
SaddleBrooke Plant Based support group again met at the Bistro and enjoyed the wonderful plant dishes that Chef Alan Lambert has on his nightly menu. It was a wonderful night and something that all of us will remember as fun. It was a delight to share time with those that are doing the same thing to support our health as we age. So many of us have seen personally the results of a plant-based diet. My wife and I (originally from the Midwest) grew up always having a meal that was centered around steak, pork chops, roast and so forth, and everything else was just a side dish. Today we have changed our diet and enjoy what we are doing. If you want to share in the experiences of what we and our plant-based group are doing, look at our website sbpbwf.wixsite.com/website.
Again, thanks to Chef Alan and the staff at the Bistro for a wonderful night.