Shawne Cryderman
Any SaddleBrooke resident is welcome to attend an introductory lesson on March 15 or 17 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on courts 7, 8 and 9 at The Preserve. Participants will be asked to arrive 10 minutes before the lesson begins to complete necessary paper work. The cost is $10; a check made out to SPA or cash (exact amount) are both acceptable. Paddles and balls are provided. Participants must wear tennis or court shoes–-no sandals or flip flops—and bring water to stay hydrated. Sun screen, sun glasses and a hat with a brim or visor are also recommended.
Participants will be using the quiet Onix ball and will have the opportunity to actually play the game of pickleball, beginning with the basic skill of volleying the ball across net. The focus of the introductory lesson is to allow people of all ages and skills to have the opportunity to get on the court and play.
At the end of the Intro Lesson, participants will have the knowledge of the basics of the game and be encouraged to join SPA and continue with the Assisted Play program.
The only prerequisite or “must have” for the Intro Lesson is an interest in learning a new sport and the desire to have fun and do your personal best. You do not have to be a member of SPA to take the Intro Lesson.
For additional information and to reserve your space on the introductory lesson roster, please contact Shawne Cryderman at 818-2690 or