Her Royal Highness, Princess Leia
Millions for Tucson Raffle—It’s a Win-Win!
SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network continues to offer tickets for the Jim Click Millions for Tucson raffle drive supporting 501(c)(3) organizations based in Southern Arizona. Participating 501(c)(3) organizations who sell these tickets keep all proceeds raised.
The first prize is a 2023 Ford Bronco Raptor. The second prize is two round-trip tickets to anywhere in the world (some exceptions apply). The third prize is $5,000 cash. The drawing will take place on Dec. 14, and you need not be present to win. Please visit millionsfortucson.org/the-details for the details and rules flyer.
To get your tickets, you may contact Carol Merlini at 520-825-0563 or Romayne Trudo at 520-834-5718. Tickets are $25 each. In addition, you can purchase your tickets on Nov. 1 at 9 a.m. in the SaddleBrooke One lobby. During this time, tickets will also be sold for the Fashion Show & Luncheon sponsored by the SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network at $30 each.
Help us support the rescue groups and shelters in our area. The pets don’t know that they are not supposed to be hungry, hurt, or mistreated. They need us to help them go on to fulfilling and healthy lives.
Until there are none—save one
Where Has All the Money Gone?
Carol Merlini, Treasurer, SBPRN
You may have most generously donated throughout the year to the SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network (SBPRN) and subsequently wondered, “How is my donation being used?” Rest assured that our network is working hard to make an impact for the greater good.
Since the first of the year, SBPRN has distributed $18,399.23 to various shelters and rescues, primarily in Pinal County, but also supporting some very worthy organizations in Pima County. These organizations include but are not limited to Friends of Pinal County Shelters and Rescues, Cherished Tails Senior Sanctuary, HOPE Animal Shelter, LOVAR, Oracle Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation, RoRescue, and Cody’s Friends. Veterinary medical services is the largest need for the majority of our partner rescues, totaling thus far in 2023, $7,759.50. Equipment to properly perform these medical services is also a large chunk of the expenditures for the shelters. SPBRN purchased a badly needed surgical light for the Pinal County Animal Control and Care in Casa Grande that cost $4,409.91 through Friend of Pinal County Shelter and Rescues. Other ways SBPRN has aided the rescues is in the purchase of food, gasoline for transporting pets from kill shelters, specialty medication for Valley fever, martingale collars, and, recently, the board has voted to pay the freight charges for pallets of free food procured by rescues through Cody’s Friends.
With your generous donations and participation in the Jim Click Millions for Tucson raffle, SBPRN will continue to help our area pets by supporting those who care for them. We thank you, and the pets thank you, as we would not be able to help without your support.
SBPRN Fashion Show & Luncheon November 29 and 30
This year, SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network’s (SBPRN’s) Fashion Show & Luncheon will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 29, and Thursday, Nov. 30. Calle Rose will be returning with her beautiful clothing and accessories. More details to follow.
Fashion Show & Luncheon tickets will go on sale on Wednesday, Nov. 1, at 9 a.m. in the SaddleBrooke One lobby. Ticket price is $30.
As an added feature this year, available only on ticket sale day Nov. 1, you can buy raffle tickets for Millions for Tucson. Millions for Tucson raffle tickets are $25, and you could win a Ford Bronco Raptor, two first-class round-trip tickets to anywhere in the world, or $5,000 cash! We will also be raffling a beautiful fringe quilt, which was generously donated to SBPRN by Linda Bradner. Bring that extra cash, ladies!
Proceeds from ticket sales and raffle sales go to SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network, which supports local animal rescue groups and shelters.
It’s Almost Ticket Time!
Marcy Vernon
Don’t forget to get your SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network Fashion Show & Luncheon tickets, which go on sale Wednesday, Nov. 1, at 9 a.m. in the SaddleBrooke One lobby. Ticket price is $30. On this day, you can also purchase $25 raffle tickets for the Millions for Tucson Raffle, and you could win a Ford Bronco, plane tickets, or $500 cash.
This year’s Fashion Show & Luncheon takes place on Wednesday, Nov. 29, and Thursday, Nov. 30.
Monthly Pet Donation Drop-Off Program
Marcy Vernon
Our various pet charities are always in need and are always thankful for your donations. Please consider dropping off any of the items listed below. Cash donations are also accepted and appreciated. The drop-off location is at the SaddleBrooke One bocce ball courts. It is the first Friday of every month.
We are now into our fall/winter hours of 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.
Caution! Please drive up slowly and watch for volunteers at the cones!
We always need pet food.
We accept most pet-related items that are in clean and good condition, such as clean towels and clean sheets, both flat and fitted.
Pet crates of any size are accepted. Please break them down before donating.
We cannot accept any Poly-fil items, such as pillows, as they present a choking hazard. Nor can we accept any rugs with rubber backing.
Any items accepted are at the discretion of the volunteers.
Please do not leave items unattended.