SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network

Bambi and Binkie in their SB foster home.

Bambi and Binkie in their SB foster home.

Short Term Foster Homes Needed

Romayne Trudo

Would you be willing to share your heart and SaddleBrooke home for a maximum of 72 hours to help a lost pet?

When SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network (SBPRN) receives a call from SaddleBrooke Patrol that a cat or dog has been found in SaddleBrooke, we do the following:

1. We initially scan the pet to see if it is microchipped.

If the animal is not microchipped, we contact SB Patrol in both SaddleBrooke One and SaddleBrooke TWO to see if anyone has reported a lost pet. If there have been no reports, we then ask the rescuer if he/she could keep the animal safe for a maximum of 72 hours. This will allow us time to locate the owner or find placement with one of the rescue groups that work closely with SBPRN.

2. In the event that the rescuer cannot keep the lost pet, we need to find a safe place for the animal immediately until we can locate the owner or find placement. This is when we would desperately need a short-term foster home.

3. SBPRN was hoping to establish a list of individuals that would be able to accept a lost animal in their home for a maximum of 72 hours. All supplies, i.e. food, bedding, leash etc. will be provided to the temporary foster by SBPRN.

If this is something you would be willing to do, contact Romayne Trudo at 520-834-5718 or or Kay Erb at 517-230-4163 or

Thank you for considering opening your hearts and homes to our lost SaddleBrooke pets.

Pet items loaded and ready to be delivered

Pet items loaded and ready to be delivered

Donation Drop Off a Huge Success

Karyle Steele

Thanks to the residents that came out on Friday morning to donate pet items and linens for the homeless pets.

We were able to collect items for Friends of Pinal County Animal Care and Control (PCACC), Oracle Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation (OARR), Cherished Tails Senior Sanctuary, and Cody’s Friends. Five SUVs and one minivan were loaded and sent on to the various locations for distribution to the needy pets.

Along with the network volunteers, we had representatives from OARR, Friends of PCACC, and Cherished Tails to pitch in to help us make it happen. The collaborative spirit went a long way. It was a very hot morning and we were able to wrap the entire operation up in record time.

As always, we appreciate all of the support that we receive from our residents. We also have to acknowledge our ‘repeat’ donors, Mary Alice Carbeck and David Bull. We can count on them every month to purchase food and pet items for our cause.

We want to give a special shout out to the Patrol of SaddleBrooke One and their Captain, Ed Wysocki, for setting up our space and checking to make sure that we had everything we needed.

Remember we do this every first Friday of the month. We will be set up in the SaddleBrooke One parking lot from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. so look for our volunteers to direct you to the drop off site.

Chester Finds a New Home

Karyle Steele

The Network received the following message from Vicky which she submitted on our “Contact Us” page on our website.

“Hello my name is Vicky Marriott and I live in SaddleBrooke. My sister and husband moved to Tucson five months ago. Shortly after that she died. Roger, my brother-in-law, is a leg amputee and a Vietnam veteran. We have been caring for him but now he will be going to a nursing home here in Tucson. Chester, their six-year-old Puggle, will need a new loving home. Chester has all of his shots and registration for Hair and Tucson. He is a very loving little guy.”

The Network Board went to work. Our IT person, Karen Brooks, posted Chester’s story on our Facebook page and She also is a member of the SaddleBrooke Dog Park Association, so she shared Chester’s story with her friends at the Dog Park.

A couple was thinking about getting a dog after having lost their sweet furbaby. One thing led to another, and Karen made arrangements for Chester to meet Carol and Rob Robrecht. The meet and greet went great!

Chester is now in his safe and happy furever home and enjoying our nice dog park, thanks to Carol and Rob and a loving sister.

Monthly Pet Donations Program Has Changed

Karyle Steele

Over the last five years, our monthly pick up program of pet items and linens has grown substantially. As a result, we no longer have the resources to handle the volume of donations in an efficient manner.

Therefore, we are asking residents to drop off their donations. The drop off location will be in SaddleBrooke One at the bocce ball court.

It will still be the first Friday of every month and the hours will be 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.

To ensure that we can plan the vehicles required, we are asking that you still call 520-548-7861 or email to let us know the nature of your drop off donation.

This will allow us to plan for enough transport vehicles to take the items on to the shelters and rescuers.

We will still take the following items:

Items We Can Take

Crates (not greater than 30” and broken down); pet beds/crate pads, pet food, water bowls, pet toys, pet treats, pet food, pet gates, pet medication (must not be beyond expiration date), pet sweaters/coats, leashes, collars, harnesses, grooming tools, cat litter boxes, cat litter, cat scratching posts or pads, x-pens, puppy pads/doggie diapers, e-collars, training tools, bath towels (no hand towels, washcloths), and blankets.

All items should be gently used and washed prior to donation. Items should be in working order.

Items We Cannot Take

Mattress covers, rubber-backed rugs, electric blankets, comforters or quilted items, pillows or chair pads, carpeting, any items with paint, grease, or oil on them, sheets—flat or fitted, washcloths, or hand towels.

The above items can present a choking hazard or cleaning issue. They cannot be safely used in an environment where you are housing animals you are not familiar with. Carpeting or carpeted items cannot be cleaned to a standard necessary for newly vaccinated animals.