SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network

Volunteers ready to accept your donations

Volunteers ready to accept your donations

Monthly Pick Up Program Change

Karyle Steele

Over the last five years, our monthly pick up program of pet items and linens has grown substantially. As a result, we no longer have the resources to handle the volume of donations in an efficient manner. Therefore, we are asking residents to drop off their donations. The drop-off location will be in SaddleBrooke One at the Bocce Ball court.

It will still be the first Friday of every month and the hours will be 8 until 9:30 a.m. beginning Friday, September 4.

To ensure that we can plan the vehicles required, we are asking that you still call 520-548-7861 or email to let us know the nature of your drop off donation.

This will allow us to plan for enough transport vehicles to take the items on to the shelters and rescuers.

We will still take the following items:

Items we can take:

Crates (not greater than 30” and broken down)

Pet beds/Crate pads

Pet food/Water bowls

Pet toys

Pet treats

Pet food

Pet gates

Pet medication (Must not be beyond expiration date)

Pet sweaters/coats


Grooming tools

Cat litter boxes

Cat litter

Cat scratching posts or pads


Puppy pads/Doggie diapers


Training tools

Bath towels (no hand towels, washcloths)


All items should be gently used and washed prior to donation. Items should be in working order.

Please no washcloths, hand towels or sheets.

Items we cannot take:

Mattress covers

Rubber-backed rugs

Electric blankets

Comforters or quilted items

Pillows or chair pads


Any items with paint, grease or oil on them

Sheets – both flat and fitted

Washcloths or hand towels

The above items can present a choking hazard or cleaning issue. They cannot be safely used in an environment where you are housing animals you are not familiar with. Carpeting or carpeted items cannot be cleaned to a standard necessary for newly vaccinated animals.

Help Pets in Need in Pinal County: Support the Pet Food Drive

Marcy Vernon

Don’t miss SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network Pet Food Drive, Friday, October 9, from 8:30 to 10 a.m. at the SaddleBrooke TWO parking lot. The Pet Food Bank of P.I.N.A.L provides temporary pet food assistance to qualified individuals in Pinal County. They accept donations of unopened dry and canned dog/puppy & cat/kitten food—no treats, please. Help people in need in Pinal County who are struggling to provide for their pets.

For more information about the Pet Food Bank, visit their website at

The Andersons with Duncan

The Andersons with Duncan

Another Happy Tail

Carole Rossof

There’s a new senior in SaddleBrooke. Meet Duncan, a very healthy 14 years young. Duncan’s human passed suddenly and he was then without a home. Lifeline Oro Valley Animal Rescue (LOVAR) came to the rescue!

Duncan was adopted by Rose and Ron Anderson. The adoption took place in one day. They saw this little guy on SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue’s Facebook page and knew they just had to have him. Not only because he’s so cute but they felt no one would adopt a dog at that age. The Andersons completed an application online, it was accepted immediately and then LOVAR did a virtual home check. By that evening Duncan was in his new home on a trial basis. The trial wasn’t necessary because they all fell in love; it is like he’s lived there forever.

Welcome to SaddleBrooke, Duncan!

Announcement from Dentistry by Design

Marcy Vernon

Until further notice, due to COVID-19, Dentistry By Design will no longer be accepting any empty medicine bottles for SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network. They would appreciate that no bottles be dropped off in front of the dental office door.

Thank you and stay safe!