Exercises for lower abs
Vera Shury
There are 47 complementary modalities, according to Cochrane Complementary Medicine Research (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24278805). That doesn’t include aromatherapy and medicinal creams, which scientifically reduce medication use by nearly 50%, for example.
So, let’s start with the most urgent modality: your breath. Breath work can improve energy by doing a double inhale and a slower exhale. It can help relax by doing a double exhale or a longer exhale than an inhale. Your breath is also part of stamina. Using numbers to count, inhale to 4, hold to 7, out on 8. This is especially good for going to sleep or back to sleep if waking up during the night. Getting out and facing the morning sunrise or soon thereafter (do not look at the sun directly) and letting the light enter your eyes from that angle helps to regulate your circadian rhythm for better sleep (hubermanlab.com/toolkit-for-sleep).
Hydration, adding electrolytes to your water, gives a little flavor and keeps your cells moist longer— like a moist sponge absorbs more and beads up on a dry sponge. Stopping water intake two hours before bed is enough time to empty the bladder, and a well-hydrated body and bladder won’t cramp up. Also, magnesium at night and medicinal cream can prevent night cramps.
Anti-inflammatory nutrition can reduce the effects of inflammation in the brain and body (www.drweil.com/diet-nutrition/anti-inflammatory-diet-pyramid/dr-weils-anti-inflammatory-food-pyramid). Reducing sugar and processed foods with preservatives is very helpful in that endeavor. Neuro Science Pain Education states in one of its presentations, “Movement is the world’s best pain killer.” (www.physio-pedia.com/Pain_Neuroscience_Education_(PNE)) I would add, “gentle movement.”
Using the “4 Pillars of Mental Health” to keep a good attitude is a learned skill, not a negative, inherited trait. The four pillars are optimism, resilience, grit, and humor!
Keep an open mind and don’t give up. New medication and methods are presented and tried all the time.
The club member annual dues are $10, used for equipment and support group snacks.
Listed in SaddleBrooke One under “Exercise and Support,” we have quarterly support and educational meetings on the third Thursday of the month from 1:30 to 3 p.m. in the SaddleBrooke One Arts & Craft Center, Room 3, next to the gift shop. Any neuro conditions are welcome!
Go to www.pmdalliance.org for Parkinson’s info and support.
Vera Shury, neurofunctional coach, can be reached at 520-275-8755 or vera@libertyscience.com.
Have a lovely Thanksgiving.