SaddleBrooke One unit reps’ first annual celebration
Scott Erwin and Candace Brockey
On a very cold Jan. 15 evening, a total of 44 unit representatives, deputy representatives, and guests met at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center to meet, greet, and celebrate the beginning of a new year. Normally, our meetings are scripted and agenda-driven. At this event, we were able to enjoy each other’s company, discuss issues, and share ideas.
Under the guidance of Committee Chair LaVerne Kyriss, Reps Scott Erwin, Candy Brockey, and Dianne Cameron coordinated invitations, logistics, and all things required to have a wonderful potluck event.
As you know, the 20 members (representing 20 units) of the Unit Rep Committee are an integral part of our community, acting as a giant spoked wheel. The reps will welcome new resident members to their unit. They also spend time gathering questions and concerns of their unit and bring them to the attention of the board liaison and general manager. The board liaison and general manager, in turn, will bring information to the meeting that they would like to have shared with the community.
If you are unsure who your unit rep or deputy unit rep is, check on the SaddleBrooke One website, go to “Dashboard,” “Committees,” and scroll down to “Unit Representatives.” This will guide you to the information you are looking for.