SaddleBrooke Nature Club officers: Dan Chase, programs; John Gill, vice president; Dan Grafmiller, treasurer; Abbie and Randy Green, secretaries; Diane and Mike Buckley, presidents
Pam Boedeker
The SaddleBrooke Nature Club’s Program Board has planned something for everyone who has an interest in the rich natural and cultural heritage that surrounds us here in Arizona.
On September 9 we open with a social event. Catch up with friends and meet new people while mingling at the RoadRunner Grill. There will be a no host bar, chips and salsa prior to the buffet dinner. Grilled marinated skirt steak with chimichurri sauce, grilled mahi with mango salsa, oil and vinegar based Southwestern coleslaw and herb roasted potatoes are included in the dinner. Brownies will be offered for dessert.
SaddleBrooke Nature Club is known for its great door prizes. This event will not only include door prizes but also games with the opportunity to win more prizes. Contact Irene Somes.
SaddleBrooke Nature Club meets on the second Monday of the month at 4:00 p.m. downstairs in the Coyote Room at the SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse. As a member you will be notified by email if the location changes. You can also check the club’s website for meeting information SaddleBrookeNatureClub.com.
Each month our meeting features a presentation by local experts with time for questions and answers. Many months the topic covered is enhanced with a field trip.
October 8 the speaker was Dr. Homer Hanson. He is a founding member of the birding event “Wings over Wilcox” and director of the Tucson Audubon Society. His presentation was about Bird Identification and Techniques.
Fascinating programs, field trips and adventures are being planned through June 2019. Topics such as Harvesting Wood, our State Parks, Water Resources and Conservation are just a few that may be explored. Our favorite topic, desert animals, will be part of many programs throughout the year.
Our membership committee is at every meeting ready to greet you and sign you up to be a member of SaddleBrooke Nature Club. Dues are $15 for an individual membership or $20 for a household membership. Membership forms and more information can be found on the website SaddleBrookeNatureClub.com.
We welcome guests to their first meeting for free. After that we hope you like us well enough to join or pay $5 to attend each meeting.
Membership gives you priority access to special activities and events. For many of us, those are what we most remember about our year of Nature Club activities. We have been robbed on the train from Williams to the Grand Canyon, spent five days on a Hopi reservation, been drooled on by camels behind-the-scenes at the San Diego Zoo, played with pooping penguins at the Odysea Aquarium, ridden into a copper mine, viewed an X-ray of a turtle’s surgery at the Phoenix Zoo, observed Jim Cloer’s many critters and purchased treasures in gift shops all over Arizona.
For membership information contact Sam Sollenberger.