Erin Go Bragh!
Dancing Leprechauns!
Judy Saks
Ever heard the phrase, “Better late than never”? Of course, you have. Well, that was the case for the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club (SBLDC) when they celebrated St. Patrick’s Day on March 24, not March 17! But this certainly did not dim the dancers’ enthusiasm for things Irish. There was a “wearin’ o’ the green” everywhere. The ladies looked fetching in green hats, beads, blouses, and tees.
A special program was created to pair the club’s dances with Irish songs. Our twinkling toes were dancing to such tunes as “Whiskey in the Jar,” “My Wild Irish Rose,” “Maureen’s Jig,” and the perennial favorite, “When Irish Eyes are Smiling.” And we can thank club members Dorothy Wood and Terri Gage for doing another fine job on the playlist.
After working up an appetite, the group took a break for lunch. A tasty sandwich wrap and a bountiful Cobb salad were on the menu, followed by cookies and coffee. Then it was time for a game where we tried to match an American word or phrase with what they say in Ireland. Did you know that in Ireland “lashing” means it’s raining? Or that “wheest” means to be quiet? No? Me either. I guess we can learn something every day. And for four dancers, there was a “pot of gold” under their chairs. Not really—it was just a “gold” coin, which “bought” them a bottle of wine. The luck of the Irish, for sure!
Throughout the year, the club has various themed dance parties. For example, Halloween, where quite a few dancers sport elaborate costumes. And our end-of-year holiday party is always festive and fun.
Would you like more information? Check out our website www.sbldc.weebly.com or email Sandy Gianotti at sandygianotti@gmail.com. Members enjoy a flexible choice of line dance lessons and workshop sessions with no prebooking required. Club dues are just $10 per year. Why not join us on the dance floor? We have tons of fun!