SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club


SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club celebrates the Green

Sue Robisch

Do you know where potatoes originated?

Do you know why the shamrock is the symbol of Ireland?

Don’t feel bad. Most of the 45 women line dancers who attended their club’s St. Patrick’s Day lunch did not know either. They gathered for a salad lunch and trivia after a morning of their favorite activity, line dancing, to celebrate this beloved holiday.

Carolee Lawrence graciously opened her home to the group. A spectacular array of salads and desserts awaited. Social chairs, Charli Jackson and Jeanne Fernandez provided the lunch as well as a very challenging slate of Irish trivia questions. While we’re on the subject, have you ever eaten Colcannon? It is a delicious Irish dish made of potatoes, kale, spring onions, butter and cream—sometimes referred to as mashed potatoes with benefits. Try it sometime. We did.

No, I haven’t forgotten the forenamed trivia questions. Answers:

1. Potatoes originated in Peru.

2. The shamrock is the symbol of Ireland because legend says St. Patrick used it as a metaphor for the Christian holy trinity.

Now you know almost as much as the SaddleBrooke Line Dancers know about Ireland. For the rest of the trivia questions and answers, see a member of the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club. Better yet, why not join us on or off the dance floor. Annual membership fee is only $10. Learn more about us at or contact Dorothy Wood at