Costume winners Pat Avery, Lavetta Torke, and Louise O’Donald

Golf winners Mary Riemersma, Joanie Broder, and Yvonne Garthwait
Wanda Ross
The SaddleBrooke Lady Niners love an excuse for a party celebration, and holidays provide the perfect opportunity. On Oct. 18 we enjoyed a Halloween Gala. We had a creative Halloween team golf game called Black Widow Spider. After each hole, one player’s net score was chosen as the team score for that hole. On the next hole, that player’s net score could not be used. One of the other player’s net score was used. This format required a bit of thinking, which is good for us, right?
Congratulations to our winners of the Halloween team golf game:
* First place: Yvonne Garthwait, Mary Riemersma, and Joanie Broder
* Second place: Wendy Odell, Bonnie Wertz, Vicki Long, and Char Crossman
* Third place: JoAnne Colbert, LeAnn Ellingson, Kat Danner, and Randi Tonnessen
Our golf game was followed by a delicious luncheon. The chicken salad croissant with tomato basil soup was a hit, as was the wild berry crisp with vanilla ice cream. Thanks to the Vistas food and beverage team for an excellent event. Vicki Long did an excellent job of organizing and creating a festive Halloween atmosphere. She makes it feel special. We had wonderful Halloween costumes. The costume winners were Pat Avery for first place, Lavetta Torke for second place, and Louise O’Donald for honorable mention.
We welcome back our snowbirds with open arms. This is a perfect time to return, as our golf courses are in pristine condition. The fairways are green and beautiful, and the putting greens are smooth. Many thanks to Mike Roddy and his team for their hard work to make the courses look better than ever.
The Lady Niners had a Kentucky Derby-inspired joint event with the Sputters on Nov. 8. The Niners golfed, and the Sputters putted. The assortment of fancy Derby hats added a very festive element to the game. Lunch was a barbecue pulled pork sandwich, coleslaw and potato salad, with apple cobbler and ice cream for dessert. Some enjoyed drinking mint juleps. A nice bonus was a discount at the Pro Shop for those who attended the event.
This is an excellent time to join the SaddleBrooke Lady Niners. Have you not golfed in a while and are thinking of getting back into the game? Have you been golfing out of state? Did you golf some here and now would like to golf more often with more structure, fun games, and tournaments? Have your friends been telling you how much fun we have? Probably so, and that is not an exaggeration. Every Tuesday morning, we golf in friendly 9-hole games. Usually, several of us gather at the RoadRunner Grill after golf. The combination of golfing and socializing opens the doors for wonderful new friendships. Membership is only $105 for the year. That includes the GHIN (Golf Handicap Information Network) number for your handicap, and winners each week win money. Whether you are a very good golfer or have a high handicap, you can be “in the money,” as we use a handicapping system to determine winners.