SaddleBrooke Lady Niners Enjoy Turkey Shoot Tournament

Molly Fullerton, Mike Roddy, Jane Chanik, and Mike Phillips

It’s autumn. The weather is excellent and the snowbirds are returning to SaddleBrooke. So, what do the SaddleBrooke Lady Niners do? We enjoy our annual Turkey Shoot Golf Tournament and Luncheon.

The tournament was held on Nov. 14 with a Gone Golfin’ theme. It was a time to set our worries aside, to get out on the course and play golf, and to give thanks for our wonderful lives in SaddleBrooke.

We played a team scramble format, which was fun and also required some strategy. Each woman played her own ball. At the end of the first hole, one golfer’s net score was chosen as the team score. At the end of the second hole, one of the remaining three golfers’ net scores was chosen as the team score. At the end of the third hole, one of the remaining two golfers’ net scores was chosen as the team score. By the fourth hole, the net score of the remaining golfer had to be chosen. This is how strategy came into play, as it may not be wisest to select the lowest net score on any given hole. This format continued throughout the game.

Congratulations to our winners:

First place: Wendy Odell, Nancy Wyllie, and Marty Wilkes won $15 each.

Second place: Mary Leversee, Patty Stark, Randi Tonnessen, and Debbie Thompson won $10 each.

Third place: Carolyn Ford, Barbara Sullivan, Barbro Sultan, and Gloria Franklin won $7 each.

Fourth place: Kathy Coffman, Rosemary Chen, Sue Schliepsiek, and Terry Hoffman won $5 each.

We also had a 50/50 raffle with half the proceeds going to charity. The other half went to many lucky golfers. You have to play to win.

After golfing, we enjoyed a delicious luncheon of chicken marsala with mushroom and marsala sauce, rice pilaf, and green beans. Some imbibed with the specialty drink Apple Prosecco Fizz, and others enjoyed iced tea, lemonade, water, or coffee. The delectable dessert was cranberry cobbler with brown sugar and pecan crust. Yummy! We thank the Food and Beverage Department for preparing a wonderful lunch and serving it perfectly. It takes many people working diligently and collaboratively to create these tournaments for us.

At the luncheon, we were pleasantly surprised by a fashion show of several of the newest items in our Pro Shop. We will be well-dressed this coming season. We greatly appreciate our golf professionals, Head Golf Pro Jane Chanik and Assistant Golf Pro Molly Fullerton, who partner with our Lady Niners volunteers to create these wonderful tournaments and who stock the Pro Shop with such lovely items. The golf courses are absolutely beautiful now. Many thanks to Mike Roddy, Director of Golf, and Mike Phillips for maintaining the courses so wonderfully.

SaddleBrooke Lady Niners is a fun, friendly, respectful league of lady golfers who play a nine-hole golf game each Tuesday morning. If you would like to play golf regularly, join the SaddleBrooke Lady Niners. Check us out at New membership applications are available outside the SaddleBrooke Pro Shop in the posting room. This is a wonderful time to join, as a new year is quickly approaching. What a nice holiday gift to give yourself!

We Niners are very appreciative of our event sponsors: Coyote Golf Cars, Desert Life Pharmacy, Golf Cars of Arizona, The Moore Advantage Team, Morris Hall PLLC, and RidgeView Physical Therapy.