SaddleBrooke Lady Niners at Invitational are Joyce Sutay, Sue Averill, Harriett Rosenberg, Christine Smith, Pat Dale and Margery Nemura

Our 2017 Club Champion Cinda Haugsby
Barbara Johnson
The SaddleBrooke Lady Niners truly took advantage of the beautiful spring weather this past month with some exciting and enjoyable events. First off, we held our annual Club Championship on March 7, 9 and 14. The ladies played all three courses to determine the Low Gross winner of the three days and after much spirited competition, our winner emerged. Big congratulations to our 2017 Club Champion Cinda Haugsby! Although the ladies were vying for the overall Low Gross score, we used Stableford Competition for the three days to determine the flight winners. In the first flight, 1st place was won by Sheryl Nugent and 2nd place by Edie Crall. In the second flight, 1st place went to Sharon Dicosola and 2nd place to Shirley Morris. Great job, ladies!
Also on March 14, a great time was had by the SaddleBrooke Lady Niners who participated in the Invitational at the Highlands at Dove Mountain. They played a four-person shamble on a course that was in beautiful condition – challenging but not impossible and fun. Our ladies Sue Averill, Pat Dale, Harriet Rosenberg, Joyce Sutay, Christine Smith and Margery Nemura – represented us in grand fashion. SaddleBrooke was represented on five of the winning teams! The Invitational season is done for this year, but those players who have not taken advantage of the experience should think about it for next year. Playing Invitationals are wonderful opportunities to play with new people and on new courses.
Next up, we have the Ladies Choice Tournament on April 25, where our ladies have the pleasure of playing with a gentleman who is not her spouse or significant other – always a fun event! If it sounds like we’re having a great time, we certainly are. If you’d like to join us, just stop by the computer room of the Pro Shop and pick up an application or contact Debbie Thompson (333-9564). Come on out and enjoy the course and camaraderie!