Brenda Wilson, Debbie Thompson, James Wetegrove and Dian Kupper express their “game on” faces.
Dick Cook
On July 9, The SaddleBrooke Men’s 9ers and Lady 9ers combined forces to stage the seventh annual Niners Unite golf tournament on the SaddleBrooke-Tucson 9 Golf Course. For this event, members from each league were paired together for a spirited competitive round of golf over nine holes.
The event wound up with a lunch in the Agave Lounge clubhouse where awards were presented. Many thanks to Lady Niner Charlotte James and the event committee for organizing the golf tournament. The following are the top teams that performed admirably in the event.
1st place: Barb Verbus, Bob Auld and Don Taylor – net score 26.4 strokes.
2nd place: Gary Brunelle, Sandra Wagoner, Cathe Kropp and Charlotte James – net score 26.4 strokes.
3rd place: Dan Mikolitis, Ann Irwin, Jim Butler and Sharon Dicosola – net score 27.5 strokes.
The SaddleBrooke One Men’s Nine Hole Golf League will end the tournament events on Aug. 30. Between Sept. 10 and Oct. 31, the golf courses are closed intermittently to go through seasonal transition for the cooler fall and winter temperatures.
Watch for SaddleBrooke Men’s 9ers announcements for the 2020 season activities in upcoming newspaper issues.
For questions, contact Gary Beeler at 520-825-4096.