Standing: Roddy Wilder, Roy Carter, Ray Peale and Jeff Traft; seated are Neil Christensen and Elisabeth Wheeler; photo by Roy Carter.
Elisabeth Wheeler
It’s an adventure to climb up 2100 feet in about two miles to find a red painted mailbox and a wrought iron bench, as well as a 360 degree view. That’s what six SaddleBrooke hikers discovered after a steep, slippery hike up Picket Post. Picket Post is a daunting angular shaped volcanic butte seen along Highway 60 just west of the Bryce Thompson Arboretum near Superior, Arizona. Picket Post was used by army troops during the late 1800s as a lookout to guard their settlement from the Apaches. Views from the summit extend to the Santa Catalinas, the Pinalenos, the Superstitions and the site of extinct Pinal City, once a thriving silver smelter and mining town.