SaddleBrooke EZ Riders

Photo by Laura Ingold

Photo by Laura Ingold

Phoebe Bax

These three new bikes, purchased by the SaddleBrooke EZ Riders through our first two fundraisers, have been received with members continuing to make additional contributions toward the final three bikes. All of the bikes, housed in the Mesquite Grill Fitness Center, bring our new total to 18 bikes.

The first Kick-Off for Bikes annual Voluntary Contribution fundraiser will end on September 30, 2016. For those in the SaddleBrooke community who would like to support us please make your check payable to SBS and forward to Suzanne Reagan at 37446 South Golf Course Drive. If you would like a receipt please provide Suzanne with your email at the time of submission.

All of the six new bikes will be placed in the HOA 2 bike inventory and available for use by residents in the SaddleBrooke Communities. Our fundraising goal for the new bikes is to help in decreasing the standby list numbers that continue to occur even through the summer.

The three new bikes will provide 18 additional sessions per week available for those who sign up using the SaddleBrooke EZ Riders Schedule. In order to receive this sign up information contact Dave Palmeri at New riders are welcome. Get the information, times of the six weekly sessions and how to sign up from Dave.

We are planning an all-out effort to get the total dollar amount needed to purchase the final three bikes through the SaddleBrooke I Don’t Want It! sale to be held on Saturday, October 22. Your support will be appreciated.

Suzanne Reagan ( and Phoebe Bax (, along with the SaddleBrooke EZ Riders volunteers, are purchasing spaces for the I Don’t Want It! sale. Suzanne and Phoebe are accepting donations from the SaddleBrooke community in order to fill these spaces. Please contact either at the above emails for pickup of those donations you would like to make in assisting the SaddleBrooke EZ Riders meet their goal. We will be accepting your donations from September 1 through October 5.

Come visit us, the SaddleBrooke EZ Riders, and see our new bikes at the Mesquite Grill Fitness Center. Sessions led by experienced volunteers are open to all SaddleBrooke residents through the previously mentioned sign-up procedure. Please try one of our sessions to understand and experience the valuable, healthy results from indoor cycling.