SaddleBrooke English Country Dancers

Enid Fowler

We hope that you have been getting some good exercise with lots of fun this summer. It has been said that the problem with older people is they just don’t dance anymore! Dancing is terrific exercise – it’s fun and something most people can easily do. Besides giving you a great cardio boost, dance strengthens bones, works all the major muscle groups, builds stamina and improves balance, coordination and flexibility. Also if you learn new steps and dance with a partner, you banish loneliness and ramp up brain power by combining two other key elements of brain health: learning new things and socializing.

English Country Dancing has all the above benefits, is lots of fun and there is no charge for the classes, so come and join in the fun of learning and enjoying the dances. You don’t need a partner, just wear flat or low-heeled shoes (sport shoes are not suitable as they do not move along the floor very well) and comfortable clothes. We meet on Thursdays from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the lovely air-conditioned Vermilion Room at SaddleBrooke One. It’s best to contact one of us prior to attending for the first time as we occasionally have to change venues due to a pre-booked event. For further information, contact Enid Fowler at 818-1932, email: or Kay White at 818-9482, email: and come and have some fun, great camaraderie and wonderful exercise.