SaddleBrooke Dems Introduce House and Senate Candidates; Explain Importance of Arizona Corporation Commission

Karla Trippe

At the March meeting of the SaddleBrooke Democratic Club (SBDC), members were told that democrat John McLean has entered the LD-17 Senate race and will face off against either Justine Wadsack or Vince Leach, whichever one wins the Republican primary. He will be coming to speak to the club soon. To learn more about John McLean, visit

Kevin Volk, LD-17 House candidate, discussed the importance of voting this year because there is a strong possibility of delivering a democratic majority to the House and Senate. With this, Governor Hobbs can pass meaningful legislation needed for such issues as public education transparency regarding how voucher money is being spent and addressing the growing debt due to the number of students returning to public high school for much-needed college credentials. For further reading, visit

Another top-of-mind issue is the statewide Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) election. Many voters don’t understand the commission’s vital role in addressing climate change in Arizona. ACC candidate Joshua Polacheck spoke at the February meeting about how the state is failing to take advantage of solar power and is instead building an electrical grid system similar to the one used in Texas. For further reading, visit

All candidates need to secure enough signatures to be on the ballot. SBDC is helping by providing immediate access to the E-Qual site from the club’s website. Voters can visit to sign candidate petitions.

The April meeting of the SBDC was on April 9, and the speaker was Nicky Indicavitch, executive director of Save Our Schools.