SaddleBrooke Democratic Club news

State Senator Steve Farley

State Senator Steve Farley

Jim Vavra

Our guest speaker at our July 12 meeting was Steve Farley, State Senator from District 9. Steve is the Assistant Minority Leader in the State Senate. He is a staunch supporter of Tucson and its community. He provided an informative analysis of the Arizona Legislative Session which just ended. An outstanding speaker, he also provided us with his personal insight as to the prospects for Democrats regaining the majority in the State Senate and detailed the many support activities that the Arizona Democratic Party is providing this year in support of local candidates. His optimism was contagious as he described this year’s upcoming election activities. He fielded many questions from the large audience and was very well received by the membership.

In addition to Steve, we heard from Ralph Atchue, running for State Senate from LD11, Corin Hammond, running for the State Legislature from LD11, Kaye Dickson, running for Pinal County Sheriff and Jacqueline Minto, running for Pinal County Assessor.

The next scheduled meeting is on Tuesday, August 9. Our guest speaker for the meeting will be Dr. Kathleen C. Schwartzman. As Professor of Sociology at the University of Arizona, Dr. Schwartzman has specialized in Political Sociology and Economic Development, focusing on Latin America. Her most recent book, The Chicken Trail: Following Workers, Migrants and Corporations across the Americas, looks at the effects of NAFTA on those most directly affected. She will be discussing the effects of international trade agreements, both positive and negative, on the populations in the affected countries. This should be an enlightening presentation. Please be sure to attend.

Each regular monthly meeting of the SaddleBrooke Democratic Club is held on the second Tuesday of the month at 3:30 p.m. in the HOA One Activity Center, 64518 East Galveston Lane, SaddleBrooke, Arizona 85739.