Golden Goose Thrift Shop Fall Fashion Show
Nan Nasser
We live in an area with many opportunities for touring Tucson, but perhaps you need something special for the tour you wish to make. Well, the Golden Goose Thrift Shop has just the item you need! The annual fashion show by GGTS will be held on Monday, September 14 at 3:00 p.m. in the MountainView Ballroom. This is the kick-off general program for SaddleBrooke Community Outreach as we start our new fall programs and activities.
Called Touring Tucson, this show is designed to feature all kinds of merchandise available at the Goose, from hiking gear to formal wear. Betsy Lowry is busy working with men and women who will model the clothes which might be punctuated with sporting equipment or jewelry, appropriate foot wear and the occasionally necessary hat.
This show is open to everyone: no admission and sure to please! It will include a brief introduction to SaddleBrooke Community Outreach, opportunities to buy raffle tickets for the Mustang, registration for the Walkathon and the chance to join SBCO with our membership form. Bring a friend, enjoy the event, then visit the GGTS!
These boots were made for walking
Nan Nasser
Do you remember the song These Boots Were Made for Walking? Well, polish off your boots and sneakers and get ready for the nineteenth annual SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Walkathon to be held Saturday, October 24 beginning at 7:30 a.m. with warm-ups in the HOA 1 parking lot, a walk around Ridgeview and ending with a warm breakfast back at the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse.
The breakfast menu is still being finalized and will determine the cost of the entry. That cost includes a tee shirt and the breakfast (the tee shirt is your ticket to the breakfast). For those opting for a shorter route than the Ridgeview Circle there will be a different walk up to the commercial center and back. For those who would like to attend but not walk that is also an option!
Pets on leashes are encouraged! Water stations and golf cart emergency transportation will be available, Vital Moves will conduct warm-up exercises, Grand Marshals will be introduced and raffle prizes will be available.
Save the date! All proceeds from the annual event are dedicated to programs of SBCO which include Kids’ Closet, Teen Closet, educational opportunities and support of the Tri Community Food Bank.
One of the favorite items a child receives from Kids’ Closet is a pair of new sneakers. You can run faster, jump higher in new shoes. Help us help our kids receive those new shoes by walking in your own shoes for the children on October 24.
December holiday home tour and boutique
Nan Nasser
SaddleBrooke Community Outreach is ready to host a December Holiday Home Tour on Sunday, December 6, featuring several area homes that will be decorated to celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah. This event will last from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. and will coincide with a boutique of local crafted items to be held simultaneously at Suite L in the commercial center.
Wish to participate? SBCO is actively requesting all of our talented residents to create and donate something for that boutique. It can be sewn, knitted, painted, sculpted, photographed or woven. It can be made from ceramics, wood, paper, cloth, yarn or whatever medium you prefer. Can you devote a few hours this summer to make something for our kids? All proceeds from this event will go directly to programs of SBCO. Questions can be answered by Nan Nasser at 825-1245.
The programs include Kids’ Closet, Teen Closet, scholarships, enrichment programs, tutoring in local schools and food support of the Tri Community Food Bank Thanksgiving food baskets. Our youngsters, selected by school administrators, live in Pima, Pinal and even Gila Counties. We have a 100 mile service area and we still remain 100% volunteer with all proceeds supporting our area kids.

Left to right: Jack Gressingh (President of SBRMGA), Steve Groth (SBCO Vice President Education) and Frank Sciannella (SBRMGA organizer)
Thank you, Ranch golfers
Nan Nasser
The annual spring golf tournament, held by the SaddleBrooke Ranch Men’s Golf Association, resulted in a large contribution of $6500 to the scholarship program of SaddleBrooke Community Outreach. The event included sale of raffle tickets as well as dinner tickets. Frank Sciannella and his committee were recognized for their hard (and profitable!) work. Dave Bott was responsible for sponsor and individual donations.
The guest speaker was a scholarship recipient, Aubrianne Estrada, who spoke about the benefits of an SBCO scholarship in part because the members take significant time to talk with the recipients and get to know them and their strengths.
A typical scholarship is $1500 for a year, with a possible renewal for three more years based on grades. This gift makes it possible to ensure that the current eligible applications will be honored with a scholarship during their May graduation exercises.
This association has presented SBCO with other donations from past Community Golf Events. We remain grateful for their support of our education programs.
Support a child
Nan Nasser
SaddleBrooke Community Outreach operates Kids’ Closet in Mammoth and provides clothing to eligible needy children in eight school districts, covering three counties. Youngsters may receive sneakers, six pairs of underwear and socks, three pants and shirts, hygiene items and two fun to read books. The fall wardrobe includes a windbreaker and knitted hat. All of these clothing items are new; purchased at specific conventions offering excellent prices to our Kids’ Closet buyers.
The cost of a single seasonal wardrobe averages $75 per child. The cost of receiving both seasonal wardrobes (fall and spring) is $150. Since the closet opened in 1997 we have provided 49,905 youngsters with 52,976 wardrobes of clothing appropriate for classroom wear. The children are selected by school administrators, based on need, and generally bussed to the closet or brought by parents with specific appointments.
Would you like to support these kids? Our annual Walkathon, which will take place October 24, 2015, features a fresh tee shirt design and is the ticket for admission to the breakfast. The back of the shirt will have the names of people and companies that support SBCO through a direct contribution to the Walkathon. For $75 you may have your name on the shirt and for $150 you will have your name in larger print. You can send a check to SBCO, 63675 E. SaddleBrooke Boulevard, Suite L (85739) or bring it to our office Monday through Wednesday between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Indicate that the donation is for the Walkathon and print the way you wish the line to read.
The deadline for this ad is August 8 to enable us to have the tee shirts printed and ready for Walkathon Registration in September. It’s All About the Kids.