The Brushes with their dogs–Who walks whom?
Polish your sneakers
Nan Nasser
As we tolerate three digit temperatures and monsoon humidity it is difficult to envision participating in a walkathon. But on October 29, 2016, you are invited to join the annual SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Walkathon, marking the beginning of our twentieth year of service to kids in nearby towns.
The walk will begin in the HOA1 parking lot. Warm-ups will start at 7:40 a.m.; the walkers will leave at 8:00 a.m. There is a 5K walk around Ridgeview or a shorter jaunt up towards the fire house. Both will end at the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse where you can enjoy a hot breakfast and raffle prize winnings. Is walking not for you? Then register, get your tee shirt and join us at 9:00 a.m. for the breakfast.
As we plan for the event, a tee shirt marking 20 years of service is being designed. When you register, beginning in the fall, your fee of $30 will provide you with the shirt and that is your ticket to enjoy breakfast. Pets may join the walk but are not allowed in the dining area.
Water stations and golf cart transportation are available along the routes.
The first walkathon in 1997 was intended to help offset the cost of clothing for Kids’ Closet. During these past years SBCO has expanded its programs to include educational assistance and support nutrition by including donations to the Tri-Community Food Bank. Your participation in the walkathon will help us continue to offer college scholarships, underwrite enrichment programs, provide Thanksgiving food baskets and even host the annual food drive for TCFB in the spring.
You can also support this fundraiser by having your name printed on the back of the tee shirt. A brief line with your name/s has a cost of $75; a line with much bolder print costs $150. The deadline for this contribution is August 1, 2015, giving the tee shirt manufacturer time to set the type.
Join the fun; support the kids – for SBCO It’s All About the Kids.
SBCO 2015/2016 wrap-up
Winter is over, school is out and snowbirds have left so things are slowing down in SaddleBrooke; however, SBCO will continue to work hard over the summer in preparation for the start of our 20th Year of Service. We will celebrate our wonderful volunteers as without them we could not exist as we are a 100% volunteer organization. We are proud of our 2015-2016 accomplishments!
Kids’ Closet this past year provided 2,562 wardrobes, consisting of three pair of pants, three shirts or tops, one pair of shoes, six pair of underwear, six pair of socks and, depending on the season, our kids receive a winter coat or a sweatshirt. Additionally, the kids receive books, a toothbrush and toothpaste. This fall Kids’ Closet is adding the Miami School District to our service area with a potential for 763 kids.
The concept for Teen Closet grew out of Kids’ Closet, providing students moving from elementary schools into middle and high schools with new contemporary clothing so that they could continue their education with increased self-respect. This past year 74 students received new clothes and school supplies.
The Education Committee awarded scholarships to 18 students to enable them to continue their education at community colleges, universities or technical schools. With these 18 new scholarships, SBCO will be providing a total of 56 students with scholarships.
Other enrichment programs for the summer include: reading and math tutoring at Mammoth/San Manual for students performing below grade level to help them improve; preschool program for three and four year olds and a summer swim program for the Mammoth/San Manual Schools. Additional programs in 2015-16 included: College For Kids operating a science camp for 50 second through six grade students at Central Arizona College (CAC); a math tutoring program during the school year at Ironwood Ridge High School and Coronado K-8; Book Shelf Reading at Ray Junior/Senior High School in Kearny and supported a We the People academic contest in Washington D.C. and a Grand Canyon field trip for students from Coronado K-8 school. A college speaker program was also provided at CAC Aravaipa Campus for CAC students and students from the local communities.
SBCO’s Food Program supports the Tri-Community Food Bank. Our annual Food Drive was again a tremendous success, collecting an estimated 19,000 pounds of food and over $13,000 in cash donations. Additionally, SBCO supported the Food Bank throughout the year with cash donations and with food collected during various programs. SBCO supplied 36 Thanksgiving Food Baskets to deserving families in need, identified by community organizations.
On September 12 we will kick off our 20 Year Celebration at the Golden Goose Fashion Show. Mark your calendar for our annual Walkathon on October 29 and in November Thanksgiving Food Baskets will be delivered. Plans are underway for other exciting activities for the coming year including our new logo and Mission Statement.
If you are interested in learning more about SBCO or to volunteer, please visit our website: www.community-outreach.org or leave a message at 520-825-3302.