SaddleBrooke Coin Club show a success

Ken Marich

The SaddleBrooke Coin Club celebrated National Coin Week (April 20 to 26) by holding a coin show in the MountainView Clubhouse on Saturday, April 26. Over 50 people visited the show and enjoyed the coin and currency exhibits. The exhibits featured U.S. coins, proof sets, gold coins, foreign and ancient coins and a display of early U.S. currency known as horse blanket money. Six lucky people won the door prizes and over ten people came to the show to get a free appraisal of their coins. The coin club is open to all SaddleBrooke residents and meets the second Thursday of each month from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Sonoran Room in the MountainView Clubhouse. We are now on summer break and our next meeting will be held on September 11, 2014. For more information contact Ken Marich at