SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club: Mark Your Calendars!

Recent SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club dance (photo by Diana Willie)

Dinner Dances

SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club (SBDC) has scheduled their ever-popular Dinner Dances. At each dance, cocktails are at 5 p.m., a three-course dinner at 5:30 p.m., and dancing goes from 6 to 9 p.m. The Dinner Dances are held in the MountainView Ballroom—a glorious dance floor for sure!

Dinner Dance Dates: Oct. 14; Nov. 3; Dec. 15; Jan. 20, 2023; Feb. 15, 2023; March 18, 2023; April 7, 2023

We begin accepting reservations about a month ahead of the Dinner Dance date. Club members will receive reservation information by email, as do visitors who have registered previously. The dances are open to all residents of SaddleBrooke. Not a member? Please go to and log in as a visitor. Once logged in, you can register for the Dinner Dance of your choice: The form will be available by clicking on “Form” on the specific Dinner Dance. The form can be printed, and instructions for meal selection, pricing, and where to send the form will all be on the form.

Novice Dance Parties

The SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club recently added a new offering to support new dancers. Many SBDC members remember when we took that first dance class and later attended a party where we actually got up and tried to remember anything of what we learned. Has that ever happened to you? Or maybe you haven’t been on a dance floor in many years, or at all. Well, we’ve got you covered! The all-new Novice offerings are designed just for you!

We kicked off our first-ever Novice Practice Party, and it was very well received. There was no need to know a bunch of patterns, a bunch of dances, or any dances at all. We had experienced dancers there to help guide you every step of the way. We kept the dances limited to six of the most common that are simple to learn and quick to get you out on the floor with your partner. We will continue to offer the Novice Practice Party each month. Novice Practice Parties are held in the Vermillion Room at SaddleBrooke One from 3 to 4:30 p.m. on the following dates.

Upcoming Dates for Novice Dance Parties:

Sept. 23

Oct. 21

Nov. 18

Dec. 23

If you would like to attend Novice Dance Parties, please let us know! Email Ann Pizzitola at And if you know anyone who might be interested, please pass the word! All are welcome. No need to be a club member, although club membership will allow you to continue your dance education for free—membership form and dance class schedule is available on the website.

Check out our website for our dances and class schedules and our many events that promote social ballroom dancing. SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club is where the learning continues and the fun never ends.