SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club: Learning From the Pros

Ann and Dale Pizzitola are the new instruction directors for SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club. (Photo courtesy of Front Row Productions)

Diana Wille

First of all, SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club (SBDC) offers our many thanks to Roger Shamburg. Roger has been coordinating our dance instructors for several years. He is stepping down from that role in our club, and we very much appreciate the hours of commitment he has given to managing our free dance lessons. Great job, Roger.

And now, SBDC is excited to announce our new co-chairs of dance instruction, multi-international dance championship winners Dale and Ann Pizzitola. Their road to this new position has been quite an adventure.

Dale and Ann each began ballroom dancing in the early ‘80s. Dale was hot on the heels of John Travolta’s “Dance Fever” and looked to expand his skills. Ann was dragged into it fresh out of college and immediately fell in love with the performance and competition. They competed individually as amateurs, Dale in International Standard and Latin and Ann in the American Smooth and Theatre Arts.

In the late ‘80s, their dance paths took similar turns. Ann, based in Milwaukee, decided to turn professional for continued national competitions. Dale, based in Chicago, turned professional to continue advancing his competitive skills and to start a career as an instructor and coach.

Magic happened in 1995. Their dance paths crossed. Ann’s pro partner retired to become a judge and coach. Ann was not ready to hang up her dance shoes, and Dale was willing to accept the challenge of forming a long-distance dance partnership. They took turns every other day driving 100 miles to rehearse after their work days were over.

Dale and Ann won many international and national championships in several styles. One of their many cherished memories is a month spent in Italy studying with the Italian champions in Milano, attending a competition in Rimini, and living in a part of Italy where no one spoke English.

When Dale and Ann were ready to hang up their competitive shoes, they opened a dance studio in the Milwaukee area where they coached and taught for 17 years.

But wait! There’s more! Their competition days were over and their small business was a success. Nineteen years after first competing together, they decided to get married! Dale’s Italian grandmother said, “Meglio tardi che mai!” or “Better late than never!”

In 2021 they sold their Wisconsin studio and home, packed their bags, and are now delighted to call SaddleBrooke home! We welcome them with open arms. Dale and Ann are excited to share their knowledge and experience with us and feel blessed for all the friends they have already made.

SBDC is known for its free dance classes for members. Our teachers are very excited to have the Pizzitolas help them build their instruction methods. We know these new additions to our club will ultimately enhance the knowledge and dancing enjoyment of our members. At, learn how to become a member and participate in all SBDC activities, where the learning continues and the fun never ends.