SaddleBrooke Archers have fun and improve their shooting

Level Four National System Coach Lawrence Brady looks on as Pam Vassalio focuses on her target.

Level Four National System Coach Lawrence Brady looks on as Pam Vassalio focuses on her target.

Charla Blacker-Eggleston

The SaddleBrooke Archers met at the Oro Valley Archery Range on February 21 and 28 to learn to shoot in the Olympic way. Classes were led by Lawrence Brady who is a Level Four National Training System Coach. Range etiquette was discussed as well as safety. Archers were taught to use a biomechanically efficient shooting system, which uses angular movements and minimizes injury while allowing excellent accuracy. Participants included: Vicki Browne, Charla Blacker, Peter Campbell, George Citron, Philip Cotton, Dan Eggleston, Jim Fairweather, Jim Golden, Mary Hopping, Lonnee Plattner, Laurel Synder, John Sowizal, Kitty Sowizal, Pam Vassallo and Steve White. Whether beginner or expert, the Archers improved their form and had great fun shooting at traditional stationary targets as well as balloons.

After a successful morning, the participants followed their usual habit of adjourning to Noble Hops to compare stories and quaff a cold one. There was discussion about organizing a zombie shoot to be held around Halloween, but this may have been a result of the brews imbibed.

Twice weekly target practice at a location just off Lago del Oro Road is available to club members or to SaddleBrooke residents who would like to try out one of the fastest growing sports in the world. Club members shoot both traditional recurve bows and compound bows, both of which come in a variety of draw weights to accommodate different levels of strength. A tour of Precision Shooting Equipment’s factory in Tucson is scheduled for March. Tour participants will see how modern bows are made from start to finish.

Come visit the SaddleBrooke Archers and enjoy the fun! All levels of archers are welcome – even those whose only experience is watching old Robin Hood movies! Information can be obtained at or by talking to the president, Ed Snyder at 520-825-0964 or