(Photo by Rose Anderson)
Rick Morrison
The SaddleBrooke RV Club kicked off the annual holiday season with a potluck party on the evening of Dec. 9 in the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center. The event was well attended by a sell-out crowd of enthusiastic partiers, hosted by our president, Ron Anderson. He introduced the newly elected board members for 2022 and reviewed the upcoming RV rallies and events. Ron was assisted by the Organizing Committee of Andrea Stephens, Janet Clark, and Kathy Garman. They put together an amazing evening of food and entertainment featuring the SaddleBrooke Silver Belles dance troupe. The lovely ladies put on a 30-minute show set to holiday music that got everyone in the mood. Of course, the excellent home chefs in the community provided a wide variety of food consisting of heavy hors d’oeuvres, followed by a waist-stretching array of desserts. Everyone in attendance is looking forward to our next gathering for the Bon Voyage Party in April.