Rumba dance classes in the evrening

Jane and Stan Gromelski

Jane and Stan Gromelski

Jane Gromelski

American style Rumba is a slow Latin dance. Its pattern is slow, quick, quick; done in a box form. That’s pretty dry. It is actually a fun, easy to learn, dance. It is one of my favorites. We use it at both Ballroom and Western dances. The music’s beat tells you how to dance. Remember Blue Bayou by Linda Ronstadt or Roy Orbison? Or maybe Michael Buble’s Sway? Don’t worry, you will recognize these songs as soon as we play them and be happy to Rumba to them.

We will offer Beginning Rumba lessons in the Fitness Room by the Mesquite Grill at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday evenings starting February 2. Classes will be one hour long. Classes will continue on February 9 and 16 and March 9. You don’t have to be Fred and Ginger to have a great time dancing to Rumba music. The tuition for the four week series will be $32 per couple.

We will be teaching social dancing, by that we mean non–competitive and relaxed. You don’t have to be perfect dancers to have fun. We think that concentrating on one dance for a month will reinforce the dance steps and enable students to actually do the Rumba by the end of the set of classes. To help you retain the steps, we have an optional free coached practice on Mondays at 5:00 p.m., also in the Mesquite Fitness Room. Dancing is fun! What other sport allows you to hold your partner in your arms? (ok, the Luge, but it’s in the cold and dangerous). I won’t even mention how good dancing is for our minds and cardiovascular systems. It is fun!

The tuition is $32 per couple for the set of four hour long classes: that breaks down to $4 per person, per class. Please email me that you would like to enroll in the class. Stan and I are SaddleBrooke residents and have been teaching the Partners Western Dance Classes, Swing and various other Ballroom Dance Classes here since 2006. We want to encourage dancing here in SaddleBrooke by sharing our knowledge so you can share in the fun. There are always dance opportunities; don’t miss out on the chance to participate because you can’t dance!

Questions? Email me, Jane Gromelski, at