Sheila Tuhy, Program Chair, and Dr. Dan Twelker of Volunteer Optometrists Serving Humanity (VOSH) Arizona with the new SPOT.
The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke meets the new SPOT
Sheila Tuhy
Some of us remember when Spot was a dog in the life of Dick and Jane who helped us learn to read. The SPOT introduced to The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke during the January 10 meeting is an acronym for a new vision screener demonstrated by Dr. Dan Twelker, the president of VOSH AZ (Volunteer Optometric Services for Humanity).
This technological advancement can read a fairly accurate refractive error and decrease the time needed to provide an accurate prescription for lenses needed for good vision. The SPOT has had a great impact on the time it takes to screen a classroom of children age three or more and direct them to the professional care required. It is read from a distance of one meter so the child is not frightened by a big black instrument in his face. It is more accurate than previous auto-refractors, sturdier, more user friendly and no larger than a good camera.
VOSH makes annual mission trips with lay and professional volunteers who provide vision care for indigent people around the world. The AZ team will be in Hermosillo, Senora, Mexico in February where they expect to serve as many as four thousand people including many children.
Dr. Twelker expressed his gratitude to The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke, who, along with friends and family of former Rotarian, Dr. Ed Tuhy purchased the new SPOT in his memory. “We will certainly serve more people more accurately with this instrument,” stated Dr. Twelker.
The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke raises money to fund VOSH and other children’s charities primarily through the Fore For Kids Golf Tournament. This year the charity golf tournament will be held on Monday, April 15 at the Oro Valley Country Club. Please save the date! To become a sponsor or sign up to play, contact Bob Christadore at 415-264- 0123 or rchristadore@gmail.com.
The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke is not only an award-winning organization devoted to make a difference locally and globally, but it is also a club that enjoys coming together for lifelong learning. We meet weekly for lunch with friends and an excellent program of learning. If this sounds like something of interest to you, come visit our friendly club and learn more about Rotary.
The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke is open to anyone who is retired, living or working in SaddleBrooke, SaddleBrooke Ranch and all surrounding communities. If this sounds like something of interest to you, join us for lunch on any Thursday at 11:30 a.m. at the SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse and meet some of our members. For more information, contact Wendy Guyton at 520-404-5712 or wguyton17@gmail.com.
Rotarians get tips for exercises in the new year
Phil Barney and Barbara Barr
Who doesn’t need more exercise in the New Year? At their January 3 meeting, members of The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke were shown simple home exercises by fitness coach Janis Bottai of Vital Moves to help them stay in shape. Janis shared four types of exercise needed for the human body.
Next, Janis shared home exercises we can all do. For example, to help maintain balance and prevent falls, one can walk heel to toe along tile grout lines in their house and walk sideways to strengthen the lateral thigh muscles. Quadricep muscles, also important for balance, can be strengthened by doing squats or by sitting on the edge of a chair and standing upright with three sets of five initially and increasing the number as strength allows.
Of course, a more effective way to fulfill that resolution to get more fit is to sign up for one of the numerous fitness classes offered at the HOA fitness centers. You can find information on these class offerings online. There is also information on these classes at the HOA offices and the Fitness Centers.
In addition to being a philanthropic group, Rotary is a community of lifelong learners. While much of Rotary’s focus is on making contributions to our community and state, as well as nationally and internationally, Rotarians gather weekly to hear speakers on a wealth of different topics. If this sounds like something of interest to you, come visit our friendly club and learn more about Rotary.
For those who would like to join us for lunch, meals will be served before the program, beginning at 11:15 a.m. There are three menu choices ranging from $7.50 to $11. If you want to learn more about Rotary, our meeting begins at noon. The programs generally begin around 12:25 p.m., and our speakers are always excellent.
The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke is an award-winning club that is packed with energetic volunteers of all ages coming together as friends in Rotary to make a difference in the world. The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke is open to anyone who is retired, living or working in SaddleBrooke, SaddleBrooke Ranch and all surrounding communities. If this sounds like something of interest to you, come join us for lunch on any Thursday at 11:30 a.m. in the SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse and meet some of our members. For more information contact Wendy Guyton at 520-404-5712 or wguyton17@gmail.com.
In case of emergency, who ya gonna call?
Barbara Barr
In case of emergency, there’s Rotary and ShelterBox. The two organizations partner to provide emergency shelters in devastated communities. Rotary and ShelterBox have been there for each catastrophe as nature or mankind delivers a cruel punch. From hurricanes in the United states and other countries, to typhoons, earthquakes, and tragedies around the world, Rotary and ShelterBox are there with emergency shelter.
On Thursday, March 21, Don Jorgensen of ShelterBox will present the program at the Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke at the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse. Members of the club always enjoy Don’s inside stories on what REALLY happened during these historical disasters. Guests and visiting Rotarians are welcome to join us to get the inside scoop!
If you’d like to join us for lunch, there are 3 outstanding meal options ranging from $7 to $11. We start ordering lunch about 11:15, have a quick Rotary Meeting, and enjoy the program about 12:20 or so. But the best part is all the friendly people you’ll meet!
The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke is not only an award winning organization devoted to make a difference locally and globally, but it is also a club that enjoys coming together for life long learning. We meet weekly for lunch with friends and an excellent program of learning. If this sounds like something of interest to you, come visit our friendly club, and learn more about Rotary.
The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke is open to anyone who is retired, living or working in SaddleBrooke, SaddleBrooke Ranch, and all surrounding communities. If this sounds like something of interest to you, join us for lunch on any Thursday at 11:30 at the SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse, and meet some of our members. For more information, contact Wendy Guyton at 520-404-5712 or wguyton17@gmail.com.

Sunrise Rotary membver Dick Kroese presents our District Govenor Kirk Reed with a handmade hiking stick.
District Governor visits SaddleBrooke Sunrise
Dick Kroese and Brianne Spaeth
SaddleBrooke Sunrise welcomed District Governor Kirk Reed and Assistant Governer Mary Straus to our latest club meeting. Governor Reed sat down and led a friendly ‘get to know you’ discussion with all of our members. He asked us to individually talk about our passions within Rotary and pointed out tips on how to keep a happy club group. He also asked who we remember as having a positive influence on our life. It was a great way to learn a little something different about some of our members.
The main takeaway from our discussion was to use seven simple words to describe Rotary to those who are unfamiliar with the group and what we do. Dream big, have fun, get stuff done! In Rotary, we dream big by continuing to come up with new ideas and big ways of helping out our community. We have fun by doing service together, laughing together at meetings and attending social events outside of Rotary to nourish our friendships. Finally, we get stuff done by getting out into the community and helping those in need.
It was a wonderful experience having the District Governor Kirk Reed and Assistant Governor Mary Straus visit our club.
SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club is proud of all members, who make contributions of time and money to assist those within our community and over the world. We meet every Thursday at 8:00 a.m. at MountainView Country Club East Dining Room. Come and check us out! http://saddlebrookesunriserotary.com.