Resident Wins International Poetry Contest

Ann Greville, known to her readers as Lyz Kelley, has captured the grand prize in an international poetry contest with her moving piece “Embrace Your Extraordinary.” A USA Today Bestselling Author, Ann has written over 30 books, with 20 available on Amazon, showcasing her remarkable storytelling abilities. She is currently delving into the world of Epic Fantasy, planning a thrilling six-book series under the new pen name Zee Kelley. Stay tuned for more enchanting tales! For more information, visit or

Here is her award-winning poem:

Embrace Your Extraordinary

In a world of labels, tags, and lines,

Where conformity beckons, where judgment defines,

There’s a whisper within, a voice pure and true,

Calling you to break free, to embrace what’s new.

Ignore the boxes, the molds they create,

For you are a masterpiece, not a template.

Shun the echoes of expectations, be bold,

Forge your own path, let your story unfold.

In life’s sprawling narrative, chart your own course,

Splash your brilliant colors where light has no source.

Embrace the quirks, the flaws, the scars,

For they make you unique, they raise you among stars.

Listen to the rhythm of your own beating heart,

It knows the way, it’s been there from the start.

Embrace the journey, the twists, the turns,

For in the dance of life, your spirit burns.

Rise above the noise, the clamor, the crowd,

Stand tall and proud, let your voice resound.

For you are more than society’s gaze,

You are the sunrise, the dawn’s first blaze.

So let the world label, let them try to define,

For you are your own story, your own brilliant shine.

Forge your own path, become who you’re meant to be,

In the garden of life, bloom wildly and free.