The Republican Women of Pinal County begins new season

Barbara Treick

The Republican Women of Pinal County (embracing all SaddleBrooke communities) support and encourage Republican office holders by having them speak at our meetings, by writing to them and making phone calls. We also work to elect those who support the platform of the National Republican Party.

Our monthly meetings feature a variety of speakers on topics ranging from education, veterans’ affairs and the Constitution and its impact locally and nationally. We do limited fundraisers, such as the “I Don’t Want It Sale.” The proceeds are used to buy books for the Oracle Schools and support Wreaths Across America. At our annual Holiday Brunch, we gather layette items which are donated to the Veteran Women’s Health Center. Over the past two years, nearly $800 worth of clothing, diapers and other items were given to new moms.

While we do not meet during the summer months, our members have been gathering items for the sale. During campaign years, of course, they are busy making phone calls and hosting candidate-centered meet and greets. These are informal gatherings where residents can get to know the candidates in a relaxed setting.

Mark Daniels, Sheriff of Cochise County, will be the featured speaker at our first meeting of the 2017-2018 year. It will be on Friday, October 20, in the Coyote Room of the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse and will begin at 10:00 a.m. Sheriff Daniels will speak about the still-concerning big problems of illegal border crossings; namely, human and drug trafficking.

On Friday, November 17, announced candidates for Congress will join us to present their qualifications. This meeting will be held at the SaddleBrooke Ranch Clubhouse.

On Friday, December 2, we will hold our Holiday Brunch at the SaddleBrooke Activity Center.

You need not be a member to attend our meetings, though we’d be delighted to have you join. To be added to our email list for announcements, please contact Paulette Stark, secretary, at