Republican Club news

Roger Bogard

A large crowd filled the DesertView Theater on May 14 to attend a forum with candidates running for Arizona Governor. The speakers were: Secretary of State Ken Bennett, State Treasurer Doug Ducey, business woman Christine Jones, State Senator Al Melvin, businessman Frank Riggs and Mesa Mayor Scott Smith. After opening comments they answered five questions from our board and members. Some of the areas they feel are important to the future of Arizona are: economic growth and job creation, school excellence, securing the border, no Common Core and halting Medicare expansion. At the end the audience had a better understanding of how the candidates felt on the major issues facing Arizona today and how they would solve them.

The next meeting of the Republican Club will be on June 11 in the MountainView Ballroom and feature Attorney General Tom Horne and the GOP candidates running for LD 11. For more information on the SaddleBrooke Republican Club visit its website: