Jerry Morris and Randy Miles prepare for the 9ers October and November tournaments.
Tim Morsani
Join or renew with the Preserve/Mountain View 9ers Golf Group before December 15 for only $40 which includes the AGA handicap fee. It’s a great deal but the best part is playing golf on Tuesday afternoons with a bunch of guys whose main focus is having fun on the golf course.
On golf day, members pay the nine-hole rate plus $5 for prizes and range balls. Prize money is paid out (credited to individual accounts) at seasonal tournaments and, after transition, may be spent in SaddleBrooke TWO for food, entertainment or Pro-Shop merchandise.
For example, the October tournaments will distribute over $1,500 to club members.
Tuesday afternoon play is evenly split between the MountainView and Preserve courses – sometimes the front nine, sometimes the back. Several regular players are also members of the SaddleBrooke 9ers adding even more to the variety of terrain, greens and weekly games. If this all sounds like fun – you’re right! To join us contact Bob Bujnovsky (don’t try to pronounce it) [email protected] or 520-850-5133.