Standing left to right are Jack Rehe, Paul Gordon and Gene Cross; off to the sides are Don Stone and Joe Fiorito, Co-Presidents of the SaddleBrooke Horseshoers.
Gary Zellinger
Horseshoe Pits that is, where ringers, leaners, points, near misses and lots of laughs and good times happen. Two horseshoe courts are located near the DesertView Theatre, just south of the softball field.
The SaddleBrooke Horseshoers is a small informal group of about 20 active participants who pitch on an organized basis twice per week on Tuesday and Friday mornings between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. (Note: These times will change May 1, to 7:00 to 9:00 a.m.) Other than these times, the courts are open and available for member informal play.
Our group, made up of HOA 1 and HOA 2 residents, is about two years old and we would love to expand the numbers. So if you are interested in pitching a few or learning more, please contact either Joe Fiorito at [email protected], 818-0363 or Don Stone at [email protected], 818-1693 or maybe just show up some Tuesday or Friday morning and laugh and have some fun with us.
See you in the pits.