Diana Sigler
The decision to install a satellite dish is not always easy. Good news! The HOA 2 Architectural and Landscaping Committee can make it much easier for you to negotiate the process.
As soon as you decide on which satellite dish company you wish to use, obtain an HOA 2 ALC Satellite Dish Coordination Form. These forms are available on-line under the HOA 2 website (sbhoa 2.org) or at the Administration Office. Read this form carefully and it will answer many of your questions.
After you get and read this form, contact the ALC by calling 520-879-4155 or by email at askhoa2alc@yahoo.com and arrange for an appointment for our satellite specialist to come to your home at a time convenient to you. During that appointment potential locations and requirements for the dish installation will be discussed.
A big advantage of contacting the HOA 2 ALC are the tips you will be given on how to obtain local Tucson stations instead of the Phoenix stations that will be automatically assigned to you by the satellite dish company at time of installation.
Once installed, your satellite dish must be painted to match the color of your home or your property walls. All requirements for installing and painting satellite dishes are available in the current HOA 2 ALC Guidelines beginning on page 14. The Guidelines are also available on-line or at the Administration Office.
Happy viewing!