Recognizing Our Many Tenured Members

Anne Romeo and Dottie Adams

Whether you are a relative newcomer to the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club (SBLDC) or have been a member for many years, you have without a doubt encountered some of our longer-term, tenured members. They are generally low key about their accomplishments and their many contributions to the club over the years. The next time you are in their midst, perhaps at a workshop, program, one of our socials, or anywhere in the SaddleBrooke community, take a moment to say thank you!

Many of our tenured members have contributed through leadership roles in the club, while others have provided suggestions and ideas or have been loyal members, all of which have made the SBLDC the wonderful club it is today. Although there is not enough room to list the details here, know their contributions are extensive. They have provided us the framework under which we function and continue to evolve the club even now. They are a big part of the ongoing fun factor and camaraderie of the club. After all, look how long they have been a part of our club and many continue to volunteer their time after all of these years. That says a lot!

For the purposes of this article, we are considering our tenured members to be those who have been a member for five or more years since 2013, including this year. Starting in 2013, we implemented rigorous and consistent practices for tracking our members. Among the tenured members, we are considering the significant contributors—those who have held a board position, been a sponsor for a program or workshop, been a dance or line leader, or hosted a club social in their home. Many of our significant contributors have provided their leadership in many or all of these areas. Remember, this is all voluntary! The author humbly apologizes, in advance, if any detail is inadvertently misrepresented. There was a lot to consider, but know the SBLDC appreciates everyone’s contributions.

Our eight-year contributors (alphabetically by last name): Dottie Adams, Lois Alexander, Krisse Arthur, Linda Bechky, Sharon Betts, Barbara Brunswig, Sandy Calemine, Donna Depesa, Donna Erickson, Jeanne Fernandez, Mary Gajeske, Terri Gage, Nancy Hagens, Barbara Humphry, Charli Jackson, Betsy Kazary, Lynne Kumza, Carolee Lawrence, Mickey Levich, Bertie Litchfield, Shirley Miller, Claudia Rigg, Andrea Sahl, Judy Saks, Jennifer Stephens, Doni Watts, Linda Weiss, and Dorothy Wood

Our eight-year loyal members: Lan Bedard, Pat Benter, Carol Larson, Pippa McEwen, and Janice Motley

Our seven-year contributors: Janet Jarzembinski, Elona Martin, Dolores Riccardone, and Sue Robisch

Our seven-year loyal members: Marilyn Horn, Carol Odell, Paula Pike, and Elaine Rees

Our six-year contributors: Diana Carbone and Joan Loeb

Our six-year loyal members: Sue Bediz, Melody Campbell, and Brenda Harried

Our five-year contributors: Deborah Adinolfi, Bill Rigg, Lynn Stewart, and Barbara Sullivan

Our five-year loyal members: Carol Chiarello, Cindi Ervin, Lynne Kirk, Ellen Marano, Wanda Ross, and Carol Wilke

Thanks to our tenured members for making SBLDC the place to be in SaddleBrooke!

Anyone interested in joining SBLDC to see why we have so many long-standing members and to become part of our legacy, check out or email Diana Carbone at Members enjoy a flexible choice of line dance lessons and workshop sessions with no pre-bookings required for the bargain membership fee of $10 per year. Come join the fun!