Randy Park and Susan Hollis receive Hiking Club award

Randy Park and Susan Hollis

Norm Rechkemmer

Annually at the fall picnic the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club honors one or more individuals who have made a significant contribution to the club during the past year. This year the SBHC board of directors has chosen Susan Hollis and Randy Park.

Randy and Susan have kept the club hiking statistics for several years and have been instrumental in planning group trips. In 2018 Susan headed the committee to facilitate the club’s group trip to the Grand Canyon. Susan has also served as assistant and chief hiking guide.

Randy is chairman of the group trip planning committee and has worked diligently to select exciting locations. The committee makes recommendations for locations and finds a trip coordinator. Randy has served as vice president and president. Randy has also helped in recruiting members to fill board and committee positions. And, lastly, Randy and Susan are both active guides in the club and lead numerous hikes throughout the year. Together they are an integral part of the hiking club.