Left to right: Gail Brown, Caroline Lochner and Bonnie Busch
Harriet Shemer
The November meeting of the Catalina Timewalkers, Chapter 1389 of the Questers, was held at the home of Bonnie Busch with Gail Brown co-hosting. Caroline Lochner of Western National Park Association (WNPA) in Oro Valley was the quest speaker.
WNPA has been a partner association with the National Park Service since 1938. WNPA operates book stores in 71 of the smaller parks and monuments in 12 western states and focuses on interpretation, research, education and community engagement.
Caroline presented a slide show of historic sites. A featured site was Hubbell Trading Post which is located in Ganado, Arizona. Hubbell is the oldest operating trading post on the Navajo Reservation. It was purchased by John Hubbell in 1878. Hubbell was very instrumental in promoting the sale of Navajo art. The Hubbell family operated the post until 1967 when it was sold to the National Park Service and is still operated by WNPA. It became a National Historic Site in 1965.
Additional sites shown and discussed were Bent’s Old Fort in LaJunta, Colorado, Fort Bowie in Bowie, Arizona, Fort Davis in Fort Davis, Texas, Fort Larned in Larned, Kansas, Fort Union in New Mexico and Fort Scott in Kansas.
The Catalina Timewalkers welcome new members. We meet once per month on Friday mornings October through May with the purpose of stimulating the appreciation of antiques and collectibles through study and to encourage restoration and preservation of historic landmarks. If interested in attending a meeting or receiving additional information, please call Sani Newberry at 520-818-0199.