Questers Catalina Timewalkers

Lynne Donovan’s vast collection of McCoy pottery can be seen atop her kitchen cupboards.

Mary (Twink) Gates and Michelle Wiklund

The Joys of Cooking!

Do you remember the smell of your grandmother’s special dish, prepared with loving hands using that special gadget and being mixed up in beautiful pottery? There’s something quite comforting about taking a kitchen utensil out of the drawer or using a vintage mixing bowl and thinking about your mom or favorite aunt if you are fortunate enough to have kitchen tools that truly have or can become kitchen heirlooms. If that kitchen implement is no longer in production or is made in a style not readily available, it’s likely considered antique, collectible, or vintage.

The February meeting of the Questors Catalina Timewalkers Chapter was at the home of Lynne Donovan, co-hosted by members Marianne Lyons and Kathy Turner. Lynne, along with several members, shared their vintage or collectible potato mashers, meat tenderizers/bone cutters, salt and pepper shakers, egg beaters, butter cutters, juicers, ladles, and copper cookie cutters, strainers, or cookie presses. You can certainly find metal molds in many households, but we all remember Jell-O being a culinary star of the 1950s!

The highlight of the brunch event was the sharing and showing of Lynne’s vast collection of McCoy pottery to meeting attendees. McCoy is a brand of pottery that was produced in the United States in the early 20th century. The color of the pottery pieces, from pastels to elegant, multi-colored glaze, is one of the key characteristics of McCoy pottery that captures the eye. It is probably the most collected pottery in the nation.

Lynne also addressed her pieces of Weller pottery. In 1872 Samuel A. Weller founded Weller Pottery in Fultonham, Ohio. Originally, his business consisted of a small cabin and one beehive kiln, and Weller-produced flower pots, bowls, crocks, and vases. By 1905, Weller Pottery was the largest pottery producer in the country. How many of you have the well-recognized striped mixing bowls or country butter crocks?

A tasty buffet consisting of baked egg casseroles, scones, fruit, and baked goods, along with coffee and tea, was served to all at beautifully appointed tables. Members were quick to wonder, “What vintage kitchen implements were used to produce this lovely brunch?” And lesson of the day? Hang on to Grandma’s kitchen wares and use them!

Interested in joining the Catalina Timewalkers Chapter of Questers? Meetings are usually held the third Friday of the month (October through May). For membership information or to obtain a brochure, contact Kipi Martin by email at

The upcoming Arizona State meeting will be held here in Tucson April 17 and 18.

Meeting and Questers’ purpose, mission, and vision information can be found at